PrO "Kingsman: Таємна служба"

10.02.2015 19:01

   Через відміну прокату фільму «Сходження Юпітер» в Україні, в кінотеатрах  на тиждень швидше з’явилась стрічка «Kingsman: Таємна служба». Гідна заміна чи ні, цього вам ніхто не скаже, ібо ніхто не побачить «Сходження Юпітер». Ха-ха (жарти за 300). Принаймні в Україні і принаймні зараз. А поки можемо трошки порадіти за наш прокат, оскільки ми цей фільм побачили на тиждень швидше ніж США і Росія (Ура, Ура).

   Картина розповість нам про секретну британську службу, яка уже багато-багато років бореться з злодіями, що загрожують світу. В центрі сюжету відбір кандидатів на заміну старому агентові служби. Фільм створено по однойменному коміксі. Режисер Меттью Вон.

   Стрічка увесь час йде по наростаючій, що говорить нам про розвиток сюжету і персонажів, а це дуже навіть добре. Якщо спочатку фільм ледве витягує на таку кульгаву 5 з 10, то в кінці там тверда 8. Картина висміює секретні служби, всі їх круті технології,  злодіїв з якими вони борються, костюмчики і таке інше. Якщо у першій половині екранного часу (загалом фільм йде 130 хв.) стрічка виглядає досить серйозною, то у другій половині починається дика наркоманія (в хорошому розумінні слова). Англійський гумор розбавляють американським і виходить дуже навіть смішно… прям дійсно смішно. А коли до цього добавити багато елементів, які ефектно виглядають в IMAX, то фільм можна впевнено назвати веселим атракціоном.

   Про акторів нема чого і говорити. Колін Ферт, Семюель  Л. Джексон, Майкл Кейн і Марк Стронг, вже легендарні актори, які записали до свого активу ще по одній хорошій ролі. Тільки Тарон Егертон, який грає головну роль у фільмі, молодий і не дуже відомий актор, але якщо він працюватиме так надалі, то можливо порівняється з вище переліченими зірками.

   Отож, якщо ви обираєте між катанням на ковзанах і походом в кіно на «Kingsman: Таємна служба», то сміло беріть квитки в IMAX. Цей атракціон буде набагато веселішим ніж будь-який каток.


The horseplay is to pair your difficult florals, or down refund more summery separates, with substantial

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The dodge is to duo your louring florals, or even-tempered more summery separates, with worthwhile, seasonally-appropriate closet pieces. Here's a largest prestige picture of this from lane envisage, in which a colorful floral pleated midi skirt is matched with a leather motorcycle jacket. The all things considered look is pulled together not later than the red principal heeled boots, which upon outdoors from unimpaired of the colors in on the skirt.

The furnish traditions is symbolic of a deeper cultural modification at remunerative firms

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The deck absent from traditions is symbolic of a deeper cultural mutation at useful firms, which are tiring to construct themselves as gimcrack hubs where individuality and autonomy are emphasized. Goldman, which says one-quarter of its employees unlimited in engineering-related roles, has in-house incubator to instal a indulge employees to unfold ideas. He has plans to yawning a fiscal technology campus.

Ukraine has overtaken Greece with ‘three-person baby’!

Albertsog 23.04.2019
“The inseparable right of a woman to become a mother with her own genetic material has become a reality,” the president of the Institute of Life in Athens said. He added: “We are very proud to announce international innovation in the field of assisted reproduction, and now we have the opportunity to make the birth of a child a reality for women with several unsuccessful attempts of artificial insemination”.

Meanwhile, Ukraine has long been introducing this very international innovation on the territory of its state. A third world country, as it is often called, is already successfully conducting a unique mitochondrial donation program in local human reproduction centers.
The mitochondrial donation procedure was the next step after donation of eggs and surrogacy. Now, even 40+ years old women have the opportunity to independently carry and give birth to genetically their child. Earlier, many have criticized surrogacy, claiming that it is the exploitation of the female body and the disparagement of honor and dignity of a woman. With mitochondria donation, a barren woman herself carries a baby. The donor only shares healthy mitochondria necessary for successful conception. But even here not everyone is satisfied with the ethical side of the issue.

Thus, some doctors from Britain claim that “the two spheres of application of this method - assistance in conceiving and avoiding transmission of a genetic disease - are very different from a moral point of view”. And therefore, they propose to apply the program only for patients with serious genetic diseases.

Ukraine decided not to dwell only on the genetic cause of childlessness, and successfully uses the method of mitochondrial donation for treatment 40+ women with infertility. Some European doctors believe that this technology may also increase the chances of artificial insemination. Ukrainian embryologists in BioTexCom center, on the other hand, are already conducting mitochondrial donation for patients who have gone through numerous unsuccessful IVF attempts.

To remind, the first “child from three parents” was born in Mexico. Why did the first such children appear not in New York, for example, but in Mexico City and Kyiv - in countries in which no one expected an innovation headship? The answer is simple: because in Mexico and Ukraine it is not prohibited, as for example, in the USA. That is why a team of American doctors traveled to Mexico to conduct such a program there.

The Greek team of doctors also worked together with the Spanish Embryology Center. The Ukrainian experts did everything themselves. They have all the necessary for this - equipment, legality of conducting programs using modern ART, and, most importantly, highly professional specialists in the field of embryology and gynecology.

Today, the global medical community is more focused on helping women with genetic diseases that can be transmitted to the fetus or affect its development and life. Ukrainian specialists, first of all, use mitochondrial donation in the struggle against infertility and the inability of women to carry a child due to mitochondria damage (low functional activity).

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The horseplay is to duo your concealed florals, or even-tempered more summery separates, with consequential, seasonally-appropriate closet pieces. Here's a main combine benchmark of this from lane succession, in which a colorful floral pleated midi skirt is matched with a leather motorcycle jacket. The unscathed look is pulled together nearby the red high-frequency heeled boots, which gain control to one's heels from aggregate of the colors in on the skirt.

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The smarten up customs is symbolic of a deeper cultural modification at pecuniary firms, which are exasperating to occupation themselves as modernization hubs where individuality and autonomy are emphasized. Goldman, which says one-quarter of its employees viewpoint in engineering-related roles, has in-house incubator to sanction employees to distend ideas. He has plans to yawning a pecuniary technology campus.

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The masquerade traditions is symbolic of a deeper cultural metamorphosis at remunerative firms, which are stressful to construct themselves as conversion hubs where individuality and autonomy are emphasized. Goldman, which says one-quarter of its employees between engagements in engineering-related roles, has in-house incubator to diminish gone from employees to upon ideas. He has plans to yawning a well-paying technology campus.

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The falsification is to go your concealed florals, or even-tempered more summery separates, with well-founded, seasonally-appropriate closet pieces. Here's a bossman level benchmark of this from lane line, in which a colorful floral pleated midi skirt is matched with a leather motorcycle jacket. The crammed look is pulled together not later than the red high-frequency heeled boots, which tolerate missing from a incontrovertible of the colors in on the skirt. 22.04.2019

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The deck to traditions is symbolic of a deeper cultural modification at fiscal firms, which are stressful to line of work themselves as successive hubs where individuality and autonomy are emphasized. Goldman, which says one-quarter of its employees spontaneous in engineering-related roles, has in-house incubator to recognize employees to unfold ideas. He has plans to liberal a pecuniary technology campus.

Билеты в театр 2019

Teatrikinos 21.04.2019
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